

Professional Tips for Maintaining the Hair Clipper Head, So You Can Always Shave Great!​

The blades in your hair clipper are a critical part of shaving or trimming your hair. However, many people tend to ignore the maintenance of the cutter head after using the hair clipper, which leads to poor shaving effect and even damages the skin. This article walks you through some pro tips to keep your clipper heads sharp and hygienic for a precise, smooth shave every time.

Blade cleaning Cleaning is the most important step in maintaining the cutter head. Carefully clean the clipper heads after each use to avoid buildup of shaving cream, hair, dander and oily residue. The best way to clean it is to use warm water and a mild shampoo, and carefully scrub the tip with a brush or an old toothbrush. Make sure to remove all debris, then dry the tip with a clean towel or paper towel.


Keep it sharp Keeping your hair clipper's blades sharp is key to ensuring a good shave. Trimming and sharpening the razor heads regularly will maintain their sharpness. You can use professional pruning tools or go to the barber shop for maintenance, or you can learn to sharpen the razor head yourself. Just use a whetstone or a special sharpening kit, and follow the instructions in the instructions to sharpen the blade about every 2-3 months to keep it sharp.

Lubrication Adjustment In addition to maintaining sharpness, it is also very important to lubricate the knife head. Applying an appropriate amount of cutter head lubricant can reduce the friction of the cutter head and prolong its service life. Before use, apply 2-3 drops of special lubricant or food-grade oil to the cutter head, then let the hair clipper run dry for a few seconds to distribute the oil evenly. Lubricants not only protect the blade, but also reduce the burning sensation caused by friction.

Safekeeping Proper storage is essential to the care of your hair clipper heads. When the hair clipper is not in use, it is best to put the cutter head on the protective cover. Remove hair and dirt from the cutter head and make sure the cutter head is dry before it is not used for a long time. At the same time, the cutter head should also be kept away from water and humid environment to avoid rusting. At the same time, avoid dropping the hair clipper from a high place to avoid damage to the cutter head.

Replace the cutter head regularly Hair clipper heads also have a lifespan, especially those disposable heads that cannot be removed and trimmed. Depending on your frequency of use, replacing the cutter heads at regular intervals (usually 3-6 months) is the key to ensuring shaving quality and hygiene. When the cutter head is rusted, blunted, sharpened or difficult to clean, the cutter head should be replaced in time to obtain the best shaving effect.

Caring for your hair clipper head is the key to a good and comfortable shave. With proper cleaning, keeping sharp, lubricating adjustments, proper storage and regular head replacement tips, you can ensure your hair clipper heads stay looking like new for a comfortable, smooth shave. Not only that, these maintenance methods can also prolong the life of the cutter head, so that your hair clipper always looks sharp!

*Hjbarbers provides professional hairdressing products (professional hair clippers, razors, scissors, hair dryer, hair straightener). If you are interested in our products, you can directly contact us at, WhatsApp:+84 0328241471, Ins:hjbarbers Twitter:@hjbarbers2022 Line:hjbarbers, we will provide you with professional service and after-sales service

Post time: Aug-28-2023